Miracle From The Wapiti

Miracles Happen Its TrueAt The Holier Grail, it’s always a joy to hear of the miraculous. The thrill never diminishes. When a story comes through that is otherwise unexplainable, I don’t spend a good deal of time trying to prove or disprove what I hear. I’m a bit cynical and moderately discerning as to the validity of an event, but I also have an innate sense of these things. It’s one of the reasons I love to write this blog. If I’m privileged to hear about a circumstance that brought joy and faith to someone’s life, I don’t take it through the acid test that the Church of Rome does. I simply and delightfully chalk it up to a miracle and choose to leave it at that.

Whatever your mindset, here at The Holier Grail I love to cater to the idea that we are surrounded by miracles everyday. Just taking the time to spend outside to appreciate the little things, turning things like cleaning the garage or tree service Fayetteville NC into pleasure and fun are simple miracles of life. To those who love to hear stories about extraordinary events, allow me to share with you the miracle of a father and son who were caught in an unexpected snow storm in the Fall of 2005.

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